Grzegorz Zasuwa, Hab. PhD

Fields of interest: Corporate Social Responsibility (Irresponsibility), Sustainability Reporting, Cause-Related Marketing

Current research:

  • Zasuwa G. (2019), Do consumers really care about organisational motives behind CSR? The moderating role of trust in the company, Social Responsibility Journal, Vol. 15 No. 8, pp. 977-991,
  • Zasuwa, G. (2019), The Role of Individual- and Contextual-Level Social Capital in Product Boycotting: A Multilevel Analysis. Sustainability, 11, 949, doi:10.3390/su11040949
  • Zasuwa, G. (2019), Value preferences and consumer sustainable choices, Marketing i Rynek, nr 1/2019, 14-21.

International cooperation:

Valor C., Zasuwa G. (2017), Quality reporting of corporate philanthropy, Corporate Communications: An International Journal, 22(4), 486-506 doi:10.1108/CCIJ-07- 2016-0051





Agnieszka Marek, PhD

Fields of interest: Science of management, Sociology of organization, Leadership

Current research: Networking in business, Leadership based on values

International cooperation: University of Seville  - scientific stay (2015)

  • Marek A., Grzesiuk K., Diffusion of Knowledge in Organization from Cultural and Network Perspective. DOI: 10.12955/cbup.v3.590; CBU International Conference, Prague, March 2015.
  • Marek A., Adjusting the employee management process to key organisational values, "Central European Review of Economics and Management" (ISSN: 2544-0365), vol. 2/2018, no 4, s. 111-126
  • Marek A., Corporate social responsibility in FC Barcelona as Carroll's corporate social responsibility (CSR) pyramid in practice, "Annales. Ethics in Economic life" (ISSN: 1899-2226), Vol. 21, No. 7, Special Issue, 153–165




Joanna Niewiadoma, PhD

Fields of interest: Risk management, Mathematical methods in managament and economy

Current research: Application of statistical methods in data analysis




Grzegorz Wesołowski, PhD

Fields of interest: Marketing, Employer Image, Image Management, Relationship Marketing.

Current research: The role of modern marketing communication in creating the employers image. Determinants of the employer's image. The role of relationship marketing in shaping the employer image.

International cooperation:

Białoskurski, G. Wesołowski, The core of new food products and the perception of the products by final buyers, [in:] Proceedings of the 32nd International Business Information Management Association Conference (IBIMA), Vision 2020: Sustainable Economic, Development and Application of Innovation Management from Regional expansion to Global Growth, 15-16 November 2018 Seville, Spain, pp. 4807-4814.

