Chair of Care and Educational Pedagogy was established according to the decision of the KUL Senate in 2005. Both scientific and didactics tasks were put in front of this new university unit. Didactics aims can be described, shortly speaking, as arousing students' interest in widely understood care of children and directing the students' scientific development in this area. Scientific aims can be described as activities which goal is to enrich the students' knowledge about care of children and bringing to perfection care and educational pedagogy as a sub-discipline of pedagogy. As a chairperson of the Chair of Care and Educational Pedagogy dr hab. Czesław Kępski, professor of KUL was nominated

Chair of Care and Educational Pedagogy of the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin undertakes activities aiming at enriching this modern sub-discipline. MA and doctorate students are inspired to undertake topics of research connected very closely with care for children in the context of new meaning of the term orphan (in the context of a notion of social orphans or euro-orphans) and in the context of changes in families that forces society to support many families in performing their care function (starving and under-fed children). The following problems are mostly discussed:

  • Contemporary problems of care for children, especially the reform of care in the context of political transformation

  • Creation of a new system of children's care in local communities and small towns, functioning and quality of this system

  • Institutional forms of care and their changes

  • Foster care, foster families and results of their activities

  • Care activities of schools of different types (primary, grammar schools, vocational schools, secondary schools)

  • Care activities of local government and institutions which care for children (Local Centres for the Help of a Family, adoption centres)

  • Social associations taking care of children

  • Care function of a family

  • Society as a support for a family,

  • Forms of supporting the family in their care and educational functions

  • Pathology in a family as a source of social orphanhood (alcoholism, violence, disorganisation of a family life, divorces and their results, methods of preventing the break-ups of the families)

  • Future of care for children in Poland (monographs, evaluation of the care systems), other problems of future care for children

  • Monographs of schools and other educational and formative institutions

  • "Little Homelands" - local patriotism.

The most important publications of The Chair of Care and Education Pedagogy Chairperson, Prof. Czesław Kępski:

  •  Kępski C., Rola miłosierdzia w Europie (The role of charity in Europe).

  •  Kępski C., Idea miłosierdzia a dobroczynność i opieka (Idea of charity and philanthropy and care).

  • Kępski C., Towarzystwa dobroczynności w Królestwie Polskim (1815 1914) (Philanthropy Associations in the Polish Kingdom 1815 - 1914).

  • Kępski C., Lubelskie Towarzystwo Dobroczynności (1815 - 1952) (Lublin's Philanthropy Association 1815 - 1952).

  • Kępski C., Dziecko sieroce i opieka nad nim w Polsce w okresie międzywojennym. (Orphans and care for them in Poland in the inter-war period)

  • Kępski C. (red.), Praca opiekuńczo - wychowawcza w szkole i innych instytucjach oświatowych (Care and educational work in school and other educational institutions).

  • Kępski C. (ed.), Opieka i wychowanie w rodzinie (Care and education and formation in family).


                                               (Translated by Ewa Domagała - Zyśk)