Dr. habil. Magdalena Charzyńska-Wójcik, Associate Professor

Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Head of Department 

Fields of interest: historical syntax and semantics; Psalter - reception, linguistic, educational and cultural aspects, translation in medieval and early modern England, Poland and Scotland; medieval multilingualism; medieval monasticism; codicology and paleography

Current research: (2013) Text and Context in Jerome’s Psalter: Prose Translations into Old, Middle and Early Modern English. Wydawnictwo KUL; (2017) Perfectly Imperfect – The Scottish Psalter of 1564. Zagadnienia Rodzajow Literackich 60: 49-69; (2019) The Psalter over the Water – A Multidisciplinary Account of Originality. Linguistica Silesiana 40: 7-22

International cooperation: the Nanovic Institute at the University of Notre Dame, US; the National Library of Scotland, Edinburgh, GB; the Scheide Library, Princeton University, US

Contact: mcwojcik[at]kul.pl


Fields of interest: historical syntax and syntactic theories; language acquisition and bilingualism; philosophy of language; translation; English-Polish contrastive studies; minority languages

Current research:

International cooperation:

Contact: bartnikart[at]kul.pl


Fields of interest: paleography and codicology; medieval biblical manuscripts; medieval punctuation; the use of Latin scribal abbreviations

Current research: the use of scribal abbreviations in the fifteenth-century manuscripts of the New Testament

International cooperation:

Contact: joannagrzybowska[at]kul.pl


Fields of interest: historical Psalter translations into English and Anglo-Norman; etymology; borrowing and code-switching; medieval multilingualism; Laws of Oléron; subjunctive

Current research: diachronic analysis of the use of the subjunctive in texts representing different genres; investigation into lexical affinities in the 12th- and 13th-century Anglo-Norman Psalter translations

International cooperation:

Contact: kinga.lis[at]kul.pl


Fields of interest: translation and interpreting; self-regulated learning; specialist languages (law, medicine); comparative phraseology and legilinguistics; language acquisition; new media in glottodidactics

Current research: monitoring mechanisms in novice conference interpreters, self-regulation in interpreter training, certified translation

International cooperation: monitoring in simultaneous and consecutive interpreting

Contact: joannamirek[at]kul.pl

Author: Kinga Lis
Last update: 15.02.2023, hr. 16:54 - Joanna Grzybowska