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NEWS | 17 OCTOBER 2023

Theologians of the Three Seas Countries and Catholic influencers will meet at the Catholic University of Lublin

The International Congress of Theologians will integrate representatives from 12 countries in the Baltic, Adriatic, and Black Sea regions as part of the Three Seas Initiative. During the event, we will not overlook the youth. Catholic influencers and experts will...

NEWS | 15 OCTOBER 2023

KUL to Grant Honorary Doctorate to Rabbi Abraham Skorka

An outstanding intellectual and teacher of Judaism, a universal sage, and man of Christian-Jewish dialogue. This is the description of Rabbi Prof. Abraham Skorka in a resolution of the Senate of the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, under...

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NEWS | 15 OCTOBER 2023

Pope Francis congratulated Rabbi Skorka on receipt of honorary doctorate of the Catholic University of Lublin

Pope Francis congratulated Rabbi Prof. Abraham Skorka on his honorary doctorate from the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin. "We are truly two close friends" - emphasised the rabbi. Prof. Skorka received the title during Sunday's formal inauguration of the...

NEWS | 16 OCTOBER 2023

We remember our Professor

Students, staff and friends of the Catholic University of Lublin laid 45 white roses at the monument to John Paul II and Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski, thus symbolically commemorating the 45th anniversary of the election to the See of Peter of...

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NEWS | 15 OCTOBER 2023

Inauguration of the Academic Year 2023/2024

The Inauguration of the academic year 2023/2024 at the John Paul II Catholic University in Lublin will take place on the third Sunday of October, October 15, 2023. Program: Academic Church, 9 a.m. Holy Mass - presided over and homily by the Metropolitan...

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NEWS | 09 OCTOBER 2023

Solidarity with the Holy Land - Statement of the John Paul II Catholic University

It is with great sadness that we received the news of the outbreak of war in the Holy Land. On behalf of the entire academic community of the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, we express our sympathy and...