Grzegorz Wesołowski, PhD




Grzegorz Wesołowski is a member of science-didactic staff of The John Paul II Catholic University in Lublin, works as a adjunct at the Department of Employees Management in Organisation; member of Polish Society for Production Management and The Accountants Association in Poland.

In 2010 graduated Agribusiness (MSc) at Faculty of Agrobioengineering at the University of Life Sciences in Lublin. In 2013 graduated a postgraduate studies within Accountancy, organized by Wroclaw University of Economics. In 2016 he defended his doctoral thesis at The Faculty of Organization and Management of Lodz University of Technology and obtained PhD degree in economic sciences, with management specialization. His PhD thesis was titled: “External employer image of a bank and its impact on customer loyalty” (supervisor: prof. Agnieszka Izabela Baruk). In 2018, he received the distinction and a special distinction of The Polish Bank Association (ZBP) in the second edition of The Competition of the Financial Ombudsman Award for the best doctoral, master, bachelor and postgraduate work in the field of client protection on the financial market.

His scientific interests encompass issues regarding as follows:
1.  Marketing regarding especially relationship marketing and personal marketing,
2.  Enterprise image management,
3.  Employer image management,
4.  Customer relations management.