The Institute of Canon Law conducts research on the following provinces:
history of common canon law;
- history of particular legislation and Church institutions; legislative activity of bishops and archbishops; diocesan, provincial and plenary councils; selected norms of particular law; religious and social relations, customs, culture, education and mentality of the Polish society of an epoch;
- property settlement of separated spouses; preparation to contracting marriage in the light of canon law;
- rules of procedure in ecclesiastical judicature; notion of canon lawsuit; arguments for the defects in matrimonial agreement; ecclesiastical bar; canon penal action; notion of marriage in the light of the Code of Canon Law and Family and Guardianship Code;
- science of state and law; concordat law; relationship between Church and State; Church's hierarchical system; current problems in relationships between Church and State;
- Church's legislation on the institutes of consecrated life;
- institutions of canonisation property law; history of canonisation procedure; revised canonisation procedure; miracle as evidence in canonisation; religious persecutions and martyrs of the 20th C.; martyrs in monotheistic religions, including the means and procedures of the recognition of martyrdom;
issues related to the law of Eastern Catholic Churches (in particular, hierarchy, matrimonial law and sources of law); own laws of other Christian denominations and non-Christian religions and their significance in ecumenical and interreligious dialogue;
- subjective right of the faithful to the Holy Sacraments; legal impediments in conferring and accepting sacraments; participation of the faithful in the sanctifying role of the Church;
- concept of power in the Church; Camerlengo of the Holy Roman Church (office, history, roles); Pontifical Council for the Interpretation of Legislative Texts.