Robert Ptaszek, Hab. PhD



Talks in scientific conferences


  • 5th International Scientific Conference in the series “Philosophy in school” entitled “Philosophy in life”, 19-20.09.2003, Kielce/Poland; talk: “Philosophy Facing New Religious Movements” [Filozofia wobec nowych ruchów religijnych”].
  • International Scientific Conference „Veritas una sed doctina multiplex”, 19.03.2004, Siedlce/Poland; talk: “Slavic Heirs of Hegel” [“Słowiańscy spadkobiercy Hegla”].
  • International Scientific Conference entitled: “The Security of Man Fading Contemporary and Future Challenges”, 7-9.09.2004, Drohiczyn/Poland, organizers: Drohiczyn Learned Society, the University of Podlasie, et. al.; talk: “Sects as a Threat for Security” [“Sekty jako zagrożenie dla bezpieczestwa”].
  • 2nd International Scientific Conference entitled “The Security of Man and a Process of Systemic Transformation” 7-9.09.2005, Drohiczyn/Poland; talk: “Enslaved by Freedom. How Can Religious Freedom Threaten Security” [“Zniewoleni wolnością. W jaki sposób wolność religijna może stać się zagrożeniem dla bezpieczeństwa?”].
  • 5th International Scientific Conference in the series “Philosophy in school” entitled „Contemporary philosophical directions”, 23-24.09 Kielce/Poland; talk: “Philosophical Sources of Contemporary Atheism” [Filozoficzne źrodła współczesnego ateizmu].
  • International conference “The significance of Declaration Nostra Aetate in the Church's Ecumenism and Interreligious Dialogue” 25.10.2005, KUL Lublin/Poland; voice in a debate.
  • 3rd International Scientific Conference entitled: „The Security of Man and a Process of Social Support”, 7-9.09.2006, Drohiczyn/Poland, organizers: Drohiczyn Learned Society, the University of Podlasie, al.; talk: “Religion and the Church in a Democratic State” [“Religia i Kościół w państwie demokratycznym”].
  • 2nd International conference “Peace for the World. The importance of the interreligious dialogue” 25-26.10.2006, KUL Lublin; talk: “The Need and Possibility of a Dialogue of Churches with New Religious Movements” [“Potrzeba i możliwość dialogu Kościołów z nowymi ruchami religijnymi”].
  • International Scientific Conference entitled: „Slavic Philosophy – the past and present”, 24-25.05.2007, Warsaw/Poland; organizer: the University of Finance and Management in Warsaw; talk: Religion According to Views of Representatives of Polish Philosophy in the Second Half of 20th Century, [Religia w poglądach przedstawicieli polskiej filozofii drugiej połowy XX wieku].
  • 4th International Scientific Conference entitled: „The Security of Man and Multiculturalism”, 7-9.09.2007, Drohiczyn/Poland, organizers: Drohiczyn Learned Society, the University of Podlasie, al.; talk: Towards an Islamic Europe [Ku islamskiej Europie].
  • International Scientific Conference entitled: „Culture and life”, 15.02.2008, Warsaw/Poland; organizer: the University of Finance and Management in Warsaw; talk: Stanisław Brzozowski and the Catholic Modernism [Stanisław Brzozowski a modernizm katolicki].
  • 5th International Scientific Conference entitled: „The Security of Man and Transdiscyplinarity”, 7-9.09.2008, Drohiczyn/Poland, organizers: Drohiczyn Learned Society, the University of Podlasie, al.; talk: Postmodernism and Contemporary Western Culture [Postmodernizm a współczesna kultura Zachodu].
  • 6th International Scientific Conference entitled: „The Security of Man and Values”, 7-9.09.2009, Drohiczyn/Poland, organizers: Drohiczyn Learned Society, the University of Podlasie, al.; talk: Christian Values as the Foundation of Secure Europe [Wartości chrześcijańskie jako fundament bezpiecznej Europy],
  • 6th International Scientific Conference entitled: „The Security and Human Rights in Theories and Social Practice in the Beginnings of 21st Century” 26-27.09.2009, Chlewiska/Poland ) organizers: the Polish Philosophical Society, the University of Podlasie; talk: Naturalism of Contemporary Philosophical Anthropology as a Threat for the Security of Man [Naturalizm współczesnej antropologii filozoficznej jako zagrożenie dla bezpieczeństwa człowieka].
  • 7th International Scientific Conference entitled „The Security of Man and Social Communications” 7-9.09.2010 Drohiczyn/Poland, organizers: Drohiczyn Learned Society, the University of Podlasie, al.; talk: “Philosopher as a Witness to the Truth” [“Filozof jako świadek prawdy”].
  • International Conference „Controversies on Cults”, 5.05.2011, Mieszko I College of Education and Administration in Poznań/Poland; talk: “Cults from the Perspective of Philosophy” [“Sekty z perspektywy filozofii”].
  • 8th International Scientific Conference entitled „The Security of Man and Social Communications” 7-9.09.2011 Drohiczyn/Poland, organizers: Drohiczyn Learned Society, the University of Podlasie, et. al.; talk: “New Age Movement as a kind of ‘spiritual technology’” [“New Age jako rodzaj «duchowej technologii»”].
  • 3rd International Religious Studies Congress dedicated to the issue: “Religions and Religiosity in the Contemporary World”, 12-15.09. 2011, Toruń/Poland, organizers: The Polish Society for the Study of Religions and The Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń: talk: “Philosophy about Relations between Religiosity and Spirituality” [“Filozofia o relacjach między religijnością a duchowością”].
  • 11th International Symposium in the series „The Future of Western Civilization” entitled „Civilizations in the face of Multiculturalism” 18.04.2012, KUL Lublin/Poland; talk: “New Religious Movement as a part of Contemporary Multiculturalism” [“Nowe ruchy religijne jako element współczesnego multikulturalizmu”].
  • 3rd International Conference from the series “Problems of Modern Prophylaxis” entitled „Man on a Cross-roads in a Changing World” 21-22.05.2012, University of Economics and Innovation in Lublin/Poland; talk:“How the philosophy can help the contemporary man not to get lost in the world” [“ Jak filozofia może pomóc współczesnemu człowiekowi nie zagubić się w świecie”}
  • 3rd International Scientific Symposium: "Ideas - Man - Philosophy" 1-5.08.2012, Stary Sącz/Poland; talk: “The Religiosity of Contemporary Man” [“Religijność współczesnego człowieka”].
  • 9th International Scientific Conference entitled: „The Security of Man and Scientific and Solidarity” 7-9.09.2012, Drohiczyn/Poland, organizers: Drohiczyn Learned Society, the University of Podlasie, et. al.; talk: „Religion as the Foundation of Freedom, Truth and Solidarity” [“Religia jako fundament wolności, prawdy i solidarności’].
  • 4th International Conference from the series “Problems of Modern Prophylaxis” entitled „Man in the Search of Happiness: Roads and Tracklesses” 21-22.05.2103 University of Economics and Innovation in Lublin/Poland; talk: “On relationships between the concept of human and understanding of happiness” [“O zależnościach między koncepcją człowieka a rozumieniem szczęścia”].
  • 11th International Conference "Education in the Creation of Contemporary reality – possibilities and Limitations” 3-5.06.2013 “Reymontówka” Rest House for Scientists and Artists at Chlewiska/Poland organizer: the University of Podlasie, talk: “Philosophical determinants of creative education” [“Filozoficzne uwarunkowania kreatywnej edukacji”].
  • 3rd International Scientific Symposium: "Ideas - Man - Philosophy" 07-4.08.2013, Stary Sącz/Poland; talk:  “Why human cannot be happy without religion?” [“Dlaczego człowiek nie może być szczęśliwy bez religii”].
  • 10th International Scientific Conference entitled: „The Security of Man and Religion” 7-9.09.2013, Drohiczyn/Poland, organizers: Drohiczyn Learned Society, the University of Podlasie, et. al.; talk: “Christianity as safe but not easy way to happiness” “Chrześcijaństwo – bezpieczna choć niełatwa droga do pełni szczęścia”].
  • International Scientific Conference “Safety in the light of social changes – selected legal, administrative and pedagogical aspects.” 4-5.04.2014 The Stefan Batory Higher School of Business in Piotrkow Trybunalski/Poland; talk: “Why security can not be the ultimate goal of human life?” [“Dlaczego bezpieczeństwo nie może być ostatecznym celem ludzkiego życia?’].
  • 5th International Conference from the series “Problems of Modern Prophylaxis” entitled “Youth on the Threshold of Adulthood: ‘Threats, Difficulties, Opportunities’” 20-21.05.2014, University of Economics and Innovation in Lublin/Poland; talk: “Why is it so difficult to be an adult in a post-Christian Europe?” [“Dlaczego tak trudno być dorosłym w post-chrześcijańskiej Europie?”].
  • 13th International Symposium in the series „The Future of Western Civilization” entitled „John Paul II Facing Totalitarianism” 18.04.2012, KUL Lublin/Poland; talk: “Why does democracy in post-Christian Europe look increasingly like totalitarianism” [“Dlaczego demokracja w post-chrześcijańskiej Europie coraz bardziej przypomina totalitaryzm”].
  • 5th International Scientific Symposium: "Ideas - Man - Philosophy" 5-10.08.2014, Stary Sącz/Poland; talk: :Gender and Christian culture” [“Ideologia gender a kultura chrześcijańska”]


  • 2nd Siedlce Philosophical Symposium: „Between philosophy and messianism”03. 2004, Sucha k. Węgrowa/Poland; talk: „Messianism of August Cieszkowski” [„Mesjanizm Augusta Cieszkowskiego”].
  • 2nd Polish Philosophical Symposium in the series of “Philosophizing in the Context of Theology” entitled The Problem of True Religion04.2003, KUL, Lublin/Poland; talk: “Is a sect a true religion?” [“Sekta prawdziwą religią?”].
  • 7th Polish Philosophical Congress 14-18.09.2004, Szczecin/Poland; voice in scientific debate of a section “Philosophy of religion”.
  • 3rd Polish Philosophical Symposium in the series of “Philosophizing in the Context of Theology” entitled “The Revelation” 9-10.10.2004, KUL, Lublin/Poland talk: “The Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ?” [“Księga Mormona – świadectwo o Jezusie Chrystusie?”].
  • Scientific Conference „Aggression and violence in the contemporary society” 17.02.2005, Siedlce/Poland; talk: “Can Love be a Form of Aggression?” [“Czy miłość może być formą przemocy?”]
  • Scientific Conference „Philosophy of religion and religious thought in Poland”, 14-15.04.2005, Kraków/Poland; talk: “Zofia J. Zdybicka’s philosophy of religion [“Filozofia religii Zofii J. Zdybickiej”]
  • Scientific Symposium „Anthropology of values – an interrupted work. On the 10th anniversary of the death of Professor Christopher Jaroslaw Brozi (1952-1996)” 21.02.2006, UMCS Lublin/Poland; talk: “On Philosophical Aspects of Bronisław Malinowski’s Theory of Sacred Phenomena” [“O filozoficznych aspektach teorii zjawisk sakralnych Bronisława Malinowskiego”].
  • 8th Polish Philosophical Congress 15-20.09.2008, Warsaw/Poland; talk: New Age and Western Contemporary Religious Thought [New Age a współczesna myśl religijna Zachodu].
  • Scientific Conference: „Sects and Persons”, 20.04.2009 Stalowa Wola/Poland, organizer: KUL Faculty of Social Sciences in Stalowa Wola; talk: New Age: On some Fatal Results of the Deification of Man [New Age: o zgubnych skutkach ubóstwienia człowieka].
  • Scientific Symposium „Polish National Character (past and present)” 7-8.06.2009, Chlewiska/Poland, organizer: the University of Podlasie; talk: “Faces of Contemporary Polish Religiousness” [“Oblicza współczesnej polskiej religijności”].
  • Scientific Symposium: „Multiculturalism in the Teaching of John Paul II”, 9.06.2009, Drohiczyn/Poland, organizer: Drohiczyn Learned Society; talk: John Paul II and Benedict XVI on the Need of Multiculturalism in The Church [Jan Paweł II a Benedykt XVI – o potrzebie wielokulturowości w Kościele].
  • Scientific Symposium “Religiological Research in Poland” 25.10.2010, KUL Lublin/Poland; talk: “Research on the New Age in Poland” [„Badania nad New Age w Polsce”].
  • Conference “Religion-Science-Culture” 12-13.11.2010, Poznań/Poland organizers: Faculty of Social Sciences and The Center for Interdisciplinary Research, talk: “Antireligiosity as a Source of the Crisis of Contemporary Culture” [“Areligijność jako źródło kryzysu współczesnej kultury’].
  • Symposium on the occasion of fifth anniversary of Institute of Cultural Studies 23-24.02.2011, KUL Lublin/Poland: talk: “Alternative Religiosity as a Manifestation of the Crisis of Contemporary Culture” [“Alternatywna religijność jako przejaw kryzysu współczesnej kultury”].
  • Scientific Conference in the series “Faces of Alternative Religiosity” entitled „Alternativeness and Pluralism of the Contemporary Days and Christian Universalism” – 11-12.05.2011, KUL Lublin/Poland; talk: “Alternative Forms of Religiousness and Spirituality” [“Alternatywne formy religijności i duchowości”].
  • Conference „In a Circle of Mysticism” 31.05.2011, KUL Lublin/Poland; talk: “Pseudo-mysticism of New Age Movement. Can we buy the mystical experience?” [„Pseudomistyka New Age. Czy można kupić doświadczenie mistyczne?”].
  • Conference „Contemporary Education and Professional Development of Natural Sciences' Teachers” 26-27.09.2011, the Jan Kochanowski University (JKU) in Kielce/Poland; talk: “How philosophy complements natural knowledge of human”[“Jak filozofia dopełnia przyrodniczą wiedzę o człowieku”].
  • Conference „Axiology Facing Contemporary Cultural Changes” 20.10.2011, Lublin/Poland; talk: “Religious values ​​in contemporary culture” [“Wartości religijne we współczesnej kulturze”].
  • Symposium “The Ideas of the end of the World in Doctrines and Practices of Cults and New Religious Movements” 7.12.2011, Toruń/Poland; talk: “Apocalypse and what then? On interpreting the New Testament visions of the end of the world (examples of Jehova’s Witnesses and Adventists of the Seventh Day)” [“Apokalipsa i co dalej? O sposobach interpretacji biblijnych opisów końca świata”].
  • Scientific Conference: „Utopia present/absent” 17-18.05.2012, University of Podlasie, Siedlce/Poland; talk: „The European Union: between utopia nad utopism[“Unia Europejska: między utopią a utopizmem”].
  • 9th Polish Philosophical Congress 17-21.09.2012, Wisła/Poland; talk: “The development of alternative religious movements – a symptom of the crisis in contemporary Western culture” [“Rozwój alternatywnych ruchów religijnych jako objaw kryzysu współczesnej kultury Zachodu”].
  • Symposium “Spirituality of Far East and Christianity. Dialogue or confrontation? 13-14.11.2013, Toruń/Poland; talk: “False schemes and dangerous misunderstandings as resulting from references of representatives of Western culture to the so-called ‘spirituality of the East’” [“O mylących schematach i groźnych nieporozumieniach będących rezultatem odwoływania się przez przedstawicieli zachodniej kultury do tak zwanej «Duchowości Wschodu»”].
  • Third Youth Forum "We are different - we can be together" 18.06.2013, University of Economics and Innovation in Lublin/Poland; talk: “When you meet DIFFERENT: tolerance - indifference – acceptance” [“Kiedy spotykają się RÓŻNI: tolerancja – obojętność – akceptacja”].