Department of Theory & Anthropology of Literature

EDWARD FIALA, Ph.D., Full Professor in KUL, beginning 2005 chairman of the Department of Theory of Literature. He was a double major in Polish literature and language (1966–1971) and psychology (1970–1975) in KUL. He earned his Ph.D. in 1981. Between 1981 and 1987 he ran the College of Polish Language and Culture for Foreign Students, and in 1982-1985 was the head of the Summer School of Polish Culture and Language in KUL. His main interests include: biblical anthropology, Witold Gombrowicz’s oeuvre, psychoanalysis and literature, contemporary literature, literary translation, and the history of Polish culture.
His major publications include: Homo transcendens w świecie Gombrowicza [Homo Transcendens in Witold Gombrowicz’s World], Lublin 2002, second printing 2004; Modele freudowskiej metody badania dziela literackiego [Models of Freudian Method in Interpretation of a Literary Work of Art], Lublin 1991. He has also published in Pamietnik Literacki, Teksty Drugie, Ruch Literacki, Przeglad Humanistyczny, Znak, Roczniki Humanistyczne, Kresy, Akcent, and Zeszyty Naukowe KUL. His major articles include: “Widnokrag zycia w powiesciach Wieslawa Mysliwskiego” [The horizon of life in Wieslaw Mysliwski’s Novels], Zeszyty Naukowe KUL 2004, no. 2; “Przeklad wobec zagadek oryginalu” [Translation and the problems of the original text], in: Warsztaty translatorskie. Workshop on Translation, ed. R. Sokoloski, H. Duda, J. Scholz, Lublin-Ottawa 2002; “Od libido do idola. Wokół Rewizji Psychoanalizy Ericha Fromma” [From libido to the idol. On “The Revision of Psychoanalysis” by Erich Fromm], Teksty Drugie 2000, no. 6; “Ksiega lekow polskich, czyli Trans-Atlantyk Gombrowicza” [The Book of Polish Fears, or Gombrowicz’s “Transatlantic”], Ruch Literacki 1999, no. 5; “Romans z idolem” [An Affair with the Idol], Znak 1999, no. 534; “O diable wspolczesnym. Wokol jednego wiersza Szymborskiej” [On Modern Devil. Concerning One Poem by Wislawa Szymborska], Roczniki Humanistyczne 1998, vol. 1; “Egolatria w "Legendach" Andrzeja Niemojewskiego” [Egolatry in "The Legends" by Andrzej Niemojewski], in: Problematyka religijna w literaturze pozytywizmu i Mlodej Polski, ed. S. Fita, Lublin 1993. A separate collection of Fiala’s publications are related to his work in the College of Polish Language and Culture for Foreign Students in KUL. 
JAROSLAW BOROWSKI, PhD, Adjunct Professor. He graduated in Polish literature and language in KUL. He is interested in relation between literature and religion in methodological and interpretative aspects, and contemporary literature. He authored "Miedzy bluznierca a wyznawca". Doswiadczenie sacrum w poezji Aleksandra Wata ["Between a Blasphemer and an Adherer". The Experience of Sacrum in Aleksander Wat's Poetry], Lublin 1998. He has published in Roczniki Humanistyczne and Ethos.

ANDRZEJ TYSZCZYK, Ph.D., Adjunct Professor, a member of the editorial board of Roczniki Humanistyczne. He studied Polish literature and language at the University of Wroclaw and the Catholic University of Lublin, and philosophy at KUL. He earned his Ph.D. in 1992 at KUL. His research areas include: theory of literary work of art, Roman Ingarden’s oeuvre and thought, literary axiology, aesthetics, methodology of literary studies, theory of interpretation, problems of tragedy, Jozef Czechowicz’s and Zbigniew Herbert’s oeuvres.
His major publications include: Estetyczne i metafizyczne aspekty aksjologii literackiej Romana Ingardena [Aesthetic and Metaphysical Aspects of the Literary Axiology of Roman Ingarden], Lublin 1993; Od strony wartości. Studia z pogranicza teorii literatury i estetyki, Lublin 2007; Wybór pism estetycznych Romana Ingardena, Kraków 2005.

RYSZARD ZAJACZKOWSKI, Ph.D., Adjunct Professor. He studied Polish literature and language and theoretical philosophy in KUL. His main dissertation is the book "Glos prawdy i sumienie". Kosciol w pismach Cypriana Norwida ["The Voice of Truth and Conscience." The Church in the Writings of Cyprian Norwid], Wrocław 1998, edited by Fundacja Nauki Polskiej. Besides, he authored many articles in the following periodicals: Studia Norwidiana, Ethos, Przeglad Powszechny, Roczniki Humanistyczne, Ultimate Reality and Meaning. Interdisciplinary Studies in the Philosophy of Understanding, and edited numerous studies: Klamstwo w literaturze [The Lie in Literature], Kielce 1996, Norwidowskie fraszki [Norwid’s Epigrams], Warsaw 1996, Z Bogiem przez wieki [With God through the Ages], Rzeszów 1998. In 1997-1999 he stayed in Germany as a grantee and teacher of Polish at the Catholic University of Eichstätt. His academic interests include the oeuvre of Cyprian Norwid and other Polish writers of the Romantic period, contemporary literature (Roman Brandstaetter and Aleksander Wat), and problems of ultimate reality and meaning.

ADAM FITAS, Ph.D., Adjunct Professor. He studied Polish literature and language at KUL (1989-1994). He was awarded a prestigious scholarship of the Foundation for Polish Science (1998). His doctoral dissertation Glos z labiryntu. O pismach Karola Ludwika Koninskiego [Voice from the Labyrinth. On Karol Ludwik Koninski’s Writings], Wroclaw 2003, is an analysis of the genre of Koninski’s personal writings. His research interests are centered around problems of literary genetics of contemporary prose. Currently he is working on autobiographic forms of literature, especially those conveying man’s religious experience (spiritual autobiographies, diaries of the soul, meditations, etc.).
His major publications include: Glos z labiryntu. O pismach Karola Ludwika Koninskiego [Voice from the Labyrinth. On Karol Ludwik Koninski’s Writings], Wroclaw 2003; Model powiesci Jozefa Mackiewicza [The Model of Jozef Mackiewicz’s Novel], Lublin 1996. He has published numerous articles in Ruch Literacki, Znak, Roczniki Humanistyczne, and Tygodnik Powszechny. Among them are: “Karol Ludwik Koniński – homo meditans,” Ruch Literacki 1998, vol. 4 (229); “Funkcja przyrody w "Drodze donikąd" Jozefa Mackiewicza. Zarys problematyki” [The Function of Nature in Jozef Mackiewicz’s "Road to Nowhere." A Sketch], Roczniki Humanistyczne 1998, vol. 1.

IRENEUSZ PIEKARSKI, Ph.D. Since October 1999 he has been a faculty member of the Department of Theory of Literature. His research interests involve modern trends in literary studies and especially in British and American criticism, philosophical and biblical hermeneutics and Julian Stryjkowski’s oeuvre.

DARIUSZ SKORCZEWSKI, Ph.D., Adjunct Professor, a member of the editorial board of The Sarmatian Review. He studied Polish literature and language in KUL. His doctoral dissertation Spory o krytyke literacka w Dwudziestoleciu miedzywojennym [Debates on Literary Criticism in Poland in the Interwar Period] won the prestigious Konrad and Marta Gorscy Foundation Award in 2001. The dissertation is an innovative synthesis of the discussions on the theory and methodology of literary criticism in Poland during the Second Polish Republic (1918-1939). In 2001-2004 he was a Visiting Lecturer of Polish studies at Rice University in Houston, Texas, as a grantee of The Kosciuszko Foundation. Dariusz Skorczewski’s research interests include: theory and history of literary criticism in Poland in the 20th century, modern theory of literature, and postcolonial criticism.
His major publications include: Spory o krytyke literacka w Dwudziestoleciu miedzywojennym [Debates on Literary Criticism in Poland in the Interwar Period], Krakow 2003; Aby rozpoznac siebie. Rzecz o Andrzeju Kijowskim krytyku literackim i publicyscie [To Recognize Oneself. On Andrzej Kijowski Literary Critic and Columnist], Lublin 1996. He published numerous articles and reviews in journals and magazines: The Sarmatian Review, Teksty Drugie, Pamietnik Literacki, Ethos, Tworczosc, Ruch Literacki, Kresy, Arcana, Slavic and East European Journal, The Polish Foreign Affairs Digest, and Wiez. Among them are: Postkolonialna Polska: projekt (nie)możliwy [Postcolonial Poland: a(n) impossible project], Teksty Drugie 2006, no. 1-2; Dokad zmierza humanistyka? O sytuacji wewnatrz i wokol dyskursu humanistycznego (i teoretycznoliterackiego) na Zachodzie, etyce i postkolonializmie” [What are the humanities aiming at? On situation within and without humanistic discourse in the West, ethics, and postcolonialism], Teksty Drugie, 2005, no. 1; Dialogue between cultures. Prospects of Polish presence in Academic Discourse in America,” The Polish Foreign Affairs Digest, vol. 2, no. 4 (5), 2002; W obronie „czlowieka prawdziwego”. Krytyka literacka lat trzydziestych wobec kryzysu wartosci [In defence of a “real man.” Literary criticism of the 1930s versus the crisis of values], Ethos 2001, no. 56.
IRENA SŁAWINSKA, born in 1913, died 2004, literary scholar and theorist, Professor in KUL. She studied Polish literature and language at the Stefan Batory University in Vilnius under Konrad Gorski, Stanislaw Pigon and Manfred Kridl. In 1938-1939 she was on a scholarly grant in Paris. After WW2 she worked for the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun (1945-1949) and from 1950 for the Catholic University of Lublin. She was the head of the Department of Theory of Literature from its establishment (1950) until 1975, then the chairperson of the Department of Drama and Theatre. She was lecturing at the following universities outside Poland: Montreal, Canada (1957); Brown. Univ., Univ. of Illinois, USA (1968-1969); The Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium (1971-1974); Fryburg, Switzerland (1979). Her major scholarly interests included poetic drama and theatre, theatrical works of Cyprian Norwid and Paul Claudel.
Her major publications include: Tragedia w epoce Mlodej Polski. Z zagadnien struktury dramatu [Tragedy in the Period of the "Young Poland." Issues of the Structure of Drama], 1948; O komediach Norwida [On Norwid's comedies], 1953; O prozie epickiej Norwida [On Norwid's Epic Prose], 1957; Sceniczny gest poety [Poet's Stage Gesture], 1960; Rezyserska ręka Norwida [Stage Director's Hand of Norwid], 1971; Odczytywanie dramatu [Reading a Drama], 1988; Moja gorzka europejska ojczyzna. Wybor studiów [My Bitter European Homeland. A Selection of Studies], 1988; Teatr w mysli wspolczesnej: ku antropologii teatru [The Theatre in Contemporary Thought: Toward Anthropology of Theatre], 1950.


WLADYSLAW PANAS, born 1947, died 2005, Full Professor in KUL, 1999-2005 the chairman of the Department of Theory of Literature at KUL, a member of the Learned Society of KUL and Adam Mickiewicz Literary Society, editor-in-chief of Roczniki Humanistyczne. Panas's major academic interests consisted of three areas: methodology and theory of literature, culture of the ethnic borderlands of Poland, with a particular focus on Jewish themes in Polish writing, and the oeuvre of Bruno Schulz.
His major publications include: Bruno od Mesjasza. Rzecz o dwoch ekslibrisach i kilkudziesieciu rysunkach oraz jednym obrazie Brunona Schulza [Bruno from Messiah. On Two Bookplates, Several Drawings, and One Painting by Bruno Schulz], Lublin 2001; Ksiega blasku. Traktat o kabale w prozie Brunona Schulza [The Book of Brightness. A Treatise on Cabala in Bruno Schulz's Prose], Lublin 1997; Pismo i rana. Szkice o problematyce zydowskiej w literaturze polskiej [The Writing and the Wound. Sketches on Jewish Issues in Polish Literature], Lublin 1996; W kregu metody semiotycznej [In the Domain of the Semiotic Method], Lublin 1991. He also published in numerous scholarly journals, among them in: Teksty Drugie, Pamietnik Literacki, Ruch Literacki, Kresy, and Akcent.

Books In memoriam



STEFAN SAWICKI, Professor Emeritus, born in 1927 in Brzesc on Bug. He graduated in Polish literature and language (1946-1951) from the Catholic University of Lublin and the Jagiellonian University. He got his Ph.D. and habilitation at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun. He was the chairman of the Department of Theory of Literature at KUL (1976-1999), a vice-rector of KUL (1971-1983), the chairman of the Learned Society of KUL (1989-1998), the head of the Department of Studies in Cyprian Norwid's Oeuvre at KUL, the editor-in-chief of the periodical Studia Norwidiana. Stefan Sawicki is an active member of the Polish Academy of Skills, the Learned Society of Lublin, and the Learned Society of KUL. Among his major scholarly interests are: theory of literature and methodology of literary studies, with special focus on literary axiology, relationship between literature and religion, Cyprian Norwid's oeuvre.
His major publications include: Poczatki syntezy historycznoliterackiej w Polsce [The Beginnings of Synthesis of Literary History in Poland ], 1969; Z pogranicza literatury i religii [On the Borderland of Literature and Religion], 1978; Poetyka - interpretacja - sacrum [Poetics-Interpretation-Sacrum], 1981; Norwida walka z forma [Norwid's Struggle with Form], 1986; Wartosc - sacrum - Norwid [Value-Sacrum-Norwid], 1994. He has also published in numerous scholarly journals, among them in: Pamietnik Literacki, Teksty Drugie, Ruch Literacki, Ethos, Znak, Tygodnik Powszechny.