Prof. Antoni Peretiatkowicz
Dean of the Faculty of Law and Socio-Economics Sciences
1918 – 1919


Prof. Edward Dubanowicz
Dean of the Faculty of Law and Socio-Economics Sciences
1919 – 1920


Prof. Leon Waściszakowski
Dean of the Faculty of Law and Socio-Economics Sciences
1919 – 1922, 1924 – 1925

   Prof. Roman Longchamps de Berier
Dean of the Faculty of Law and Socio-Economics Sciences
1922 – 1923

Prof. Stefan Glaser
Dean of the Faculty of Law and Socio-Economics Sciences
1923 – 1924

  Prof. Bronisław Bouffałł
Dean of the Faculty of Law and Socio-Economics Sciences
1925 – 1926

Prof. Ignacy Czuma
Dean of the Faculty of Law and Socio-Economics Sciences
1926 – 1928, 1944 – 1945

  Prof. Ludwik Kazimierz Antoni Górski
Dean of the Faculty of Law and Socio-Economics Sciences
1928 – 1929

Rev. prof. Jan Wiślicki
Dean of the Faculty of Law and Socio-Economics Sciences
1929 – 1931, 1935 – 1937 

  Rev. prof. Antoni Szymański
Dean of the Faculty of Law and Socio-Economics Sciences
1931 – 1933

Prof. Witold Zenon Krzyżanowski
Dean of the Faculty of Law and Socio-Economics Sciences
1933 – 1935 

  Prof. Antoni Deryng
Dean of the Faculty of Law and Socio-Economics Sciences
1937 – 1939

Prof. Zdzisław Papierkowski
Dean of the Faculty of Law and Socio-Economics Sciences
1939 – 1940, 1945 – 1946 

  Prof. Czesław Strzeszewski
Dean of the Faculty of Law and Socio-Economics Sciences
1946 – 1948, 1950 – 1952

Prof. Henryk Dembiński
Dean of the Faculty of Law and Socio-Economics Sciences

  Prof. Leon Halban
Dean of the Faculty of Law and Socio-Economics Sciences

Prof. Aleksander Kunicki
Dean of the Faculty of Law and Socio-Economics Sciences

  Rev. prof. Bronisław Żongołłowicz
Dean of the Faculty of Canon Law and Moral Sciences
1918 – 1919

Rev. prof. Józef Florczak
Dean of the Faculty of Canon Law and Moral Sciences
1919 – 1920

  Rev. prof. Antoni Szymański
Dean of the Faculty of Canon Law and Moral Sciences
1920 – 1921

Rev. prof. Andrzej Michał Micheletti (Andreas Michael)
Dean of the Faculty of Canon Law and Moral Sciences
1921 – 1922

  Rev. prof. Aleksander Wójcicki
Dean of the Faculty of Canon Law and Moral Sciences
1922 – 1924

Rev. prof. Gommar Michiels OFMCap
Dean of the Faculty of Canon Law
1924 – 1928, 1931 – 1935

  Rev. prof. Jan Roth SJ
Dean of the Faculty of Canon Law
1928 – 1931, 1935 – 1937

Rev. prof. Henryk Insadowski
Dean of the Faculty of Canon Law
1937 – 1939, 1945 – 1946

  Bp prof. Piotr Kałwa
Dean of the Faculty of Canon Law
1939–1940, 1944–1945, 1946–1950

Rev. prof. Paweł Pałka
Dean of the Faculty of Canon Law
1950 – 1957

  Bp prof. Jan Nowicki
Dean of the Faculty of Canon Law
1957 - 1961

Rev. prof. Stanisław Płodzień
Dean of the Faculty of Canon Law
1961 – 1962

   Rev. prof. Józef Rybczyk
Dean of the Faculty of Canon Law
1962 – 1974, 1977 – 1978

Bp prof. Piotr Hemperek
Dean of the Faculty of Canon Law
1974 - 1977

   Rev. prof. Józef Krukowski
Dean of the Faculty of Canon Law and Legal Sciences
1978 – 1987

Rev. prof. Henryk Misztal
Dean of the Faculty of Canon Law and Legal Sciences
1987 – 1989

   Rev. prof. Marian Stasiak
Dean of the Faculty of Canon and Civil Law 
1989 – 1999

Abp prof. Andrzej Dzięga
Dean of the Faculty of Law, Canon Law and Administration
1999 – 2004

   Rev. prof. Antoni Dębiński
Dean of the Faculty of Law, Canon Law and Administration
2004 - 2012

Rev. prof. Piotr Stanisz

Dean of the Faculty of Law, Canon Law and Administration
2012  - 2016


prof. Krzysztof Wiak

Dean of the Faculty of Law, Canon Law and Administration
2016 - 2018

prof. Andrzej Herbet

Dean of the Faculty of Law, Canon Law and Administration
2018 - 2024

prof. Michał Domagała

Dean of the Faculty of Law, Canon Law and Administration
since 2024