One hundred years of theology
at the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin



ed. Sławomir Nowosad, Jacenty Mastej
Pages: 290
Format: B5 (hard cover)
Year: 2019
Language: English


Last year's centenary of the John Paul Il Catholic University of Lublin (Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II - KUL) also marked 100 years of theological studies at our Alma Mater. From the very beginning, educational opportunities as well as topics for exploration and research have been included in this field of study, which has inscribed itself permanently in the reality of the university. As "an understanding of Revelation," (John Paul Il, Fides et Ratio, no. 92), theology gives a special form and character to the whole of learning, illuminating the effort to know reality through reason with the radiance of supernatural faith. […] Theology always tends towards the final truth, and in the centre of its cognitive efforts is "the Truth, which is the living God and His plan for salvation revealed in Jesus Christ" (Donum Veritatis, no. 8). It is in this spirit that the theologians of the Catholic University of Lublin have from the beginning understood their task of penetrating the divine Truth and communicating it to academic youth, always however in such a way that this knowledge would be accompanied by growth in faith and fidelity to the evangelical task of the Church. […]

This book contains compilations prepared by representatives of our various institutes, research centres, and student organizations, affording a glimpse of the great wealth of persons, ideas, events, and publications, which have made up 100 years of research, didactic, and formational activity in the Theology Faculty of our Alma Mater. […] As Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, Doctor honoris causa of KUL by the initiative of the Theology Faculty, wrote years ago, "theology will never become irrelevant," but at the same time, "one cannot depreciate the ultimate simplicity of the faith, which places me before God — God, who has become close to me, becoming Man" (Opera Omnia [Polish edition], vol. 13, part 1, p. 403). The greatness and authenticity of theology truly expresses itself in this: the extent to which it brings man closer to God, leading him on the way of salvation, and conferring upon his life the contours of holiness.


From Preface by Rev. Sławomir Nowosad
Dean of the Faculty of Theology

Autor: Ewa Zięba
Ostatnia aktualizacja: 24.07.2020, godz. 08:58 - Ewa Zięba