Professor Andrzej Sękowski

Head of the Department of Psychology of Individual Differences

Head of the Department of Psychology of Individual Differences. He is author of about 300 publications, among others the books:

- Osiągnięcia uczniów zdolnych (Achievement of Gifted Students),

- Osobowość a osiągnięcia artystyczne uczniów szkół muzycznych (Personality and Artistic Achievement of Music School Students),

- Osobowościowe uwarunkowania postaw wobec osób niepełnosprawnych (Personality-related determinants of attitudes towards disabled persons),

-Psychologia zdolności. Współczesne kierunki badań (Psychology of giftedness. Current research trends).

- Świat wartości uczniów zdolnych (World of values of gifted students).


He has published in top international scientific journals such as:

- Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,

- Science,

- High Ability Studies,

- Gifted Education International,

- Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness,

- Zeitschrift fűr Heilpädagogik,

- Journal of Personality,

- Assessment,

- Psychology and Aging.

He has also published in the International Handbook on Giftedness.


At present, he serves as vice-president of PTP (Polskie Towarzystwo Psychologiczne – The Polish Psychological Association) and holds editorial positions in scientific journals such as:

- Przegląd Psychologiczny (as Editor-in-Chief of The Review of Psychology; journal on the ERIH list),

- Journal of Individual Differences (as Associate Editor),

- Gifted Education International (as member of the Editorial Board),
- Creativity. Theories - Research - Applications
(as member of the Editorial Board)


He participated in numerous foreign exchange programmes, among others in the USA, Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, and Italy, as a Fulbright fellow and a scholarship holder of the Humboldt Foundation and the Kosciuszko Foundation. During his scholarships, he conducted research at Yale University at the Center for the Psychology of Abilities, Competencies and Expertise, headed by Prof. R.J. Sternberg and at Ludvig Maximilian University in Munich where he co-operated with Prof. Kurt Heller.


His scientific interests primarily concern giftedness and social attitudes towards disabled persons. For ten years, he has conducted training courses and psychological workshops with gifted children and adults in Poland, Germany and the USA.


He is a board member of the following scientific and social organisations:

- Societas Humboldtiana Polonorum,

- Krajowy Fundusz na rzecz Dzieci (The Polish Children's Fund),

- Towarzystwo Opieki nad Ociemniałymi w Laskach (The Society for the Care of the Blind in Laski) and a member of Polskie Stowarzyszenie Stypendystów Fulbrighta (The Polish Fulbright Alumni Association),

The Scientific Council of The Central Examination Commission
- A Vice-president of The Polish Psychological Association

- A delegate of The Polish Psychological Association in European Federation of Psychologists' Asoociations (EFPA) and in The International Union of Psychological Science (IUPSyS)

- 2005-2012 Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences, The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin


Congresses & conferences:


- 31st International Congress of Psychology: Diversity in Harmony: Insights from Psychology. Invited speaker. Lecture: Psychological perspective and conditions of giftedness. Yokohama, Japan, 24-29.07.2016.


- 2nd International Conference Giftedness and Creativity: Developing trajectories of human potential. Lecture: Creativity and Intelligence in giftedness. Milan, Italy, 06-07.11.2015.


- 14th European Congress of Psychology: Psychological conditions of human achievements. Lecture: Human Achievements as a Subject of Psychological Research in Europe. Milan, Italy 7-10.07.2015.


-12th International Conference on Excellence and Innovation in Education: The Creativity - Innovation Challenge. Lecture: Intelligence, Creativity & Achievements Motivation as Predictors of Outstanding Achievements of Gifted Students. Cracow: 01-04.07.2015 (Participation in the Scientific Committee of the conference).


- 22nd Annual Conference of Psychological News „AKTUALIA 2015”. International Symposium: News and current trends in psychology. Lecture: Current trends in research on intelligence, creativity and giftedness. The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Poland, 20-21.04.2015.



We are pleased to announce that Professor Andrzej Sękowski was elected to the Scientific Council of the Polish Academy of Sciences Institute of Psychology






Autor: Ewelina Soszyńska
Ostatnia aktualizacja: 19.12.2016, godz. 12:12 - Monika Lechniak