Relacje między Kościołem a demokracją muszą opierać się na poprawnym rozumieniu obu tych rzeczywistości. Próba demokratycznej interpretacji elementów Kościoła prowadzi ku jego strukturom komunijnym, stanowiącym w dużej mierze odpowiedź na postulaty współczesności. Komunijna natura Kościoła otwiera możliwości budowania wspólnoty wierzących z wykorzystaniem właściwie rozumianych form demokratycznego działania.


Church and Demokracy



Despite the separation of Church and the state, the essential Church elements tend to be democratic. This is both: the heritage and the task, and therefore some of democratization demands are justified. Properly understood hierarchy and collegiality in Church are the essential elements of communio. However, the structural realization of communio could be clearer by strengthening its synodal structures. Communio of Church is seen in the tension between common and hierarchical priesthood as well as between lay people and hierarchy. Because the collegiality means the presence of democratic elements in Church, reasonable forms of democratic actions and cooperation should be supported. Both hierarchical and collegial structure of Church has not depleted all its possibilities of building communio as the most suitable shape of the faithful community, thus, the use of properly understood democratic rules of conduct could lead to very desirable effects.

Autor: Janusz Lekan
Ostatnia aktualizacja: 20.02.2012, godz. 11:01 - Janusz Lekan