
Tolerance and Human Rights

Wydział Filozoficzny Towarzystwa Naukowego KUL serdecznie zaprasza na wykład Prof. Désirée Park Tolerance and Human Rights który odbędzie się 12 listopada o godz. 12.00 w sali 213 Głównego Gmachu KUL.



Tolerance, Plurality and Human Rights

When John Locke argued for the separation of Church and State in his Commonwealth, he noted that the proper role of the State was to promote the citizens` rights to Life, Liberty and Property. The Church was intended to lead to the salvation of souls. In their origins, functions and proper powers, there was a genuine separation of the interests of Church and State. The result was that the toleration of religious differences was not only possible, but also it was a reasonable policy, with a few exceptions as he noted. 

The issues taken up will begin with a discussion of choice and the citizen, who is understood to be a rational agent. The next topic - Values and the State - includes a description of  constitutional amendment and of an independent judiciary. This is followed by the topic - On Toleration: Its Nature and Limits. This includes a discussion of civic rights and duties, and their differences from human rights. The final topic - Nation and State  - distinguishes between  inheriting a nation and  choosing a state. The pluralist state is seen to be well able to capitalize on these distinctions and to make a contemporary commonwealth not only a reasonable choice , but the most obvious choice for rational agents who propose to govern themselves.

Dr. Désirée Park
Emerita Professor of Philosophy
Concordia University