Aktualności / Wydarzenia

KUL for Ukraine!

Pomoc dla Ukrainy

The academic community of the Catholic University of Lublin is not indifferent to the Russian attack on Ukraine. The University is preparing for the possible admission of refugees. The KUL Development Foundation has opened a bank account to which funds can be paid to help victims of Russian aggression.


Bank account number in euros: 95 1050 1953 1000 0090 8066 3355
Bank account number: 83 1050 1953 1000 0090 8154 7532

IBAN: PL83 1050 1953 1000 0090 8154 7532


Fundacja Rozwoju KUL Jana Pawła II // The KUL Development Foundation of John Paul II

Al. Racławickie 14, 20-950 Lublin


We offer help in the following forms:

hotline (8.00 - 21.00); number: +48 515 852 632; available in Ukrainian, Russian and Polish language. During the conversation, you can receive information such as: where to go for help, how to continue your studies in Poland, what are the forms of help and aid actions carried out by the Catholic University of Lublin etc.

You can also get information by writing to the e-mail: ukraina@kul.pl

legal assistance – information on what to do after moving to Poland; how to proceed in the maze of legal acts to make your stay not breaking the law; just to help you function as calmly as possible in the new difficult reality

psychological help

assistance for people with disabilities (e.g. transport)

spiritual help, such as: religious services in Ukrainian and meetings with the priest from the Catholic University of Lublin

helping families, especially mothers with children to take care of them

collection of necessary goods


Gifts for refugees from Ukraine!

Employees and volunteers of the Catholic University of Lublin accept the most necessary gifts for Ukrainian families. The point where you can bring your gifts is located in the cloakroom on the ground floor of the John Paul II Collegium (Łopacińskiego 5 Street in Lublin).

The point is open from Monday to Sunday from 10.00 to 18.00.



Here is the list of products we need the most:

– LONG-TERM FOOD: quick hot-cup soups, Chinese soups to make in a cup, instant dishes poured in cups, canned food, rice wafers, crispbread, coffee, tea, water in small bottles, small energy bars, fruit mousses, crisps


– dark and thick sleeping bags, mats, thermal clothing, thermal cups

– sanitary napkins, tampons, pampers, wet wipes, shampoos, shower gels, toothpastes and toothbrushes

– disposable cups, paper towels

– drugs (sedative, analgesic, antipyretic), bandages, patches, gauze, disinfectants

– SCHOOL LAYETTES: school backpacks, notebooks, pencil cases with equipment

We also need:

– cardboard boxes for packing gifts

– backpacks and bags

– strong reusable bags (such as the ones from IKEA)

We do not collect:

– cloths

– plastic toys and teddy bears

– yoghurts and breads

The University community is very strongly involved in helping the citizens of Ukraine. We would like to say thank you for your sensitivity and readiness to help in this dramatic situation for this country.