Przedstawiając pozytywny wykład nauki objawionej o Bogu Jedynym w Trzech Osobach, bł. Jan Paweł II wydobywa z niej prawdę o zasadniczej jedności całego stworzenia. Jedność ta, jako pewna zasada istnienia, musi mieć swoje odniesienie do Stwórcy. To Trójjedyny jest prazasadą, wzorem i źródłem jedności całego stworzenia, które biorąc swój początek w akcie stwórczym, w różny sposób i w różnym stopniu wskazuje na przymioty Boga, aż po „odwzorowanie”, czyli Jego obraz, którym jest osoba ludzka.






The problems of the protorule (the original rule) of unity and its refl ection in various realms of reality is an indispensable hermeneutic key to the further consideration of those truths that constitute a certain conception of chrystological recapitulation in the teaching of the blessed John Paul II. We mean better understanding of the Word which is “in the beginning” and which is to utter the ultimate fulfi llment of everything (cf. Jn 1:1 seq.). It is especially important for grasping the drama of break disunifi cation depriving human existence of any sense due to sin and consequently for revealing’ the sense of the recapitulation more fully while in its practical aspect it would mean following its paths. Talking about chrystological recapitulation one can even overstress the ultimate option, while devaluating the signifi cance of the beginning of the universe. One can perceive Christ only as an Omega, while losing the perspective of His being an Alpha. This way there is a danger of a certain kind of break in handling reality, sometimes even leading to oppositional treatment of the work of creation and redemption. The Pope’s vision of the reality of redemption explicitely poinst to the One Undevided Trinity as the Author and the Protorule of oneness-followed and accomplished in the world created by God, carried out in Christ and fi nding its ultimate fulfi llment and recapitulation in Him.

Autor: Natalia Teodorowicz
Ostatnia aktualizacja: 20.02.2013, godz. 10:25 - Natalia Haniewska