Wcielenie jest jedną z największych tajemnic chrześcijańskiej wiary. Tajemnicą dającą odpowiedź na najtrudniejsze zagadnienia ludzkiego życia, w tym także na problem cierpienia. Mimo że Bóg sam w sobie jest niecierpiętliwy, to jednak reaguje na cierpienie. Posyła swojego Syna, aby je na siebie przyjął, zrekapitulował i nadał mu ostatecznie wymiar zbawczy. Umieszczanie cierpienia w Bogu zdaje się pomijać te prawdę objawienia.




Attributing God with an ability to suffer seems well-founded in the present-day theology. The reason for this is the situation in which theology is studied (after Auschwitz), where impassible God appears to be insensitive to the problems of His own creation. That is why, theologians have attempted to introduce the category of “active suffering”, even if it is alien to contingent beings. Such an approach seems to overlook the fundamental mystery of Christianity – the Incarnation. The revelation shows that God is not absent; just the opposite, He personally enters human situation, adopting their nature, in order to redeem them through His own suffering. By this, the Son of God recapitulated each human life and gave salutary sense to passion, weakness and suffering. The incarnation is God’s ultimate answer to the problem of suffering. Thanks to it, the impassible God became passible, just like His creation.


Autor: Janusz Lekan
Ostatnia aktualizacja: 26.03.2012, godz. 00:10 - Natalia Haniewska