Katedra Ogólnej Metodologii Nauk zaprasza na otwarte seminarium, które odbędzie się w poniedziałek 29 maja 2023 r. o godzinie 15:00 w sali C-220. Referat wygłosi ks. dr Rudolf Larenz. Tytuł referatu: Two Paradigms in Present-Day Physics: ‘Particle – Wave – Dualism’ Firmly Enthroned and ‘Space as a Positional Quality’ Firmly Dismissed.




This paper suggests that the particle – wave dualism should be dismissed and the view ‘space as a positional quality’ enthroned. The basis of discussing the two present-day paradigms is pre-scientific experience, and the reasons for the reversal of the present situation are taken from pre-scientific experience, too.

More specifically, reasons are offered that neither the particle – wave dualism nor the view of space as a container is grounded on pre-scientific experience. Thereafter, reasons are offered to install a hylomorphic-type dualism realized in elementary particles, together with the view of space as a positional quality of them. This positional quality is dynamic and connected to the dualist constitution of elementary particles.




Autor: Andrzej Zykubek
Ostatnia aktualizacja: 25.05.2023, godz. 10:12 - Andrzej Zykubek